Créateur de Voyages
Service - Phone 02832-977855
Deutsch Englisch Französisch

Tour finder

Terms of travel

I. Conclusion of the travel contract

1. With his registration the customer offers the conclusion of a travel contract to France Bike obligatorily. The registration takes place in writing on the form planned for it. Also a telephone, verbal or other written registration with us is binding. The registration takes place via the applicant on for all participants along-mentioned. The applicant recognizes the available travel conditions - also in the name and on behalf of the participants along-mentioned - obligatorily on.

2. The contract comes off with the acceptance by France Bike by forwarding of a reservation confirmation.

3. Special agreements and changes of the closed travel contract require our written confirmation.


II. Payment

After receipt of the reservation confirmation a pre-payment of 20 % - per person to carry out. At the latest 28 days before travel beginning with us the remaining travel price is due in detail. For the deposit accounts in Germany and France are to you at the disposal. Please you note that the full invoice amount must be credited to our account; possible costs of the exchange go debited to the customer. The travel documents are usually set for you after receipt of the pre-payment, at the latest however one week before travel beginning.

Banks account:

Volksbank an der Niers Kevelaer, BLZ 320 613 84, account number 4320 717 014

IBAN: DE94 3206 1384 4320 7170 14 / SWIFT: GENODED1GDL

III. Resignation by customers/spare part takers/transfer posting

1. Before travel start the customer can withdraw at any time from the contract. One recommends to the customer to explain the resignation in writing. In the case of the resignation or the no show of the journey without previous declaration of withdrawal we are entitled to charge the following fees from the travel price to:

For Bike Tours:

up to 28. Day before travel beginning: 20 %

of 27.-8. Day before travel beginning: 50 %

of 7.-1. Day before travel beginning: 80 %

On the journey day and with no show: 90 %

For Bike and Barge Tours:

up to 85. Day before travel beginning: 20 %

of 84.-43. Day before travel beginning: 30 %

of 42.-29. Day before travel beginning: 60 %

of 28. to journey day and with no show: 90 %

A travel resignation insurance is recommendable in each case.

2. Each announced travel express taker can let himself be replaced by third, if he communicates us this until three days before travel beginning. France Bike can participates third for important reasons to contradict. Then the managing travel conditions apply. If a spare person steps to the place of the announced participant, thereby the original contract is not affected. For the transfer posting expenditure we are entitled to charge € 50,00.

3. Changes of the reservation regarding number of persons, room number or - kind, the hotel category and kind of food supply are in principle until 14 days before travel beginning possible. The associated expenditure we must charge for to you however also. For each transfer posting compute we you € 50,00 for each participant.


IV. Achievements

1. For the range of the contractual achievements the performance specifications are in the France Bike folder current for the travel time considerably, not however deviating explanations or promises of mediating travel agencies, local or hotel folders or other third. The indicated stage places are those usually and mainly started stage goals. We must in individual cases presuppose their agreement for avoiding into places of the closer environment without departure.

2. The travel price understands itself per person on basis double bed. Against surcharge can - if available - a single room to be booked. In some hotels however only a limited number of single rooms are available, so that it therefore if necessary also with a somewhat simpler room before dear to take to have or possibly for overnight accommodation/breakfast in another hotel and/or private pension to evade have. If exceptionally no single room will be available, you would have to divide with a second person a twin room. Paid surcharge was naturally proportionately returned to you in this case.

3. At families we grant for children until the age of 12 a reduction of 30 % on the blanket rate, if the children stay overnight in the room of two full payers (with setting bed).


V. Adhesion and limitation of liability

1. France Bike clings in the context of the duty to exercise diligence of a tidy buyer for conscientious travel preparation, the careful selection and monitoring of the service providers as well as the correctness of the performance specifications valid for the travel time at the time of the printing of our folder.

2. The participation in the wheel journeys is on own danger. Persons under age may participate only in company of an educate-entitled in a journey.

3. Each travel express taker is even responsible for the fact that he was up to health to the requirements of the journey.

4. The adherence to road traffic regulations lies likewise in the responsibility the travel express taker.

5. In the case of all transportation (bus, ship, air plane apply the transport conditions of the respective transport enterprises.

6. Should for a reason, which we cannot affect (changes, renovation etc.), an intended inspection to take place not to be able, then we can be made responsible not for it.

7. If damage should arise, which were caused alone by a service provider selected by us or which of us neither deliberately nor roughly negligently were caused, then our adhesion - same from which argument - is limited to the three-way height of the travel price.

8. If damage should arise by the loss or the damage of your luggage, then we cling only, if these were caused by us and after occurrence to us are immediately announced; however also then to maximally € 400. - for each person. We recommend the conclusion of a travel safety package to you.

9. A journey for reasons should be called off, which we cannot affect (strike, natural catastrophe or the minimum number of participants should not be achieved with a group journey, then we reserve ourselves to call the journey off until at the latest 25 days before the planned travel beginning. Informed in this case it immediately from it and received already paid amounts immediately back. Further requirements do not exist.


VI. Guarantee

• remedy. If the journey is not furnished as stipulated, the customer remedy can require. Which is stipulated, determines itself on the one hand according to according to the performance specification, on the other hand in addition, the localness of the ziellandes. France Bike can the remedy refuse, if she requires a disproportionately high expenditure, is however justified to furnish remedy in the form of or indemnifications with high order. Such an indemnification can reject the customer only for important, objectively recognizable reason. The remedy demand is to be addressed at us direct or to the guide. The guide is not entitled however to recognize requirements.

• reduction of the travel price. For the duration of a contribution not contractual of the journey, up to the remedy by France Bike the customer can require an appropriate reduction of the travel price for return of the journey (decrease). The decrease does not occur, if and so far it omits the traveller imprisonment for debt the lack in number the VI 1. To indicate places mentioned in time, in order to make for these possible the remedy.

• possible requirements must at the latest to one month after contractually planned travel end with us be made valid.


VII. Obligation to cooperate

1. If the traveller does not keep his travel documents punctual before the journey, it must inform France Bike immediately. The traveller is obligated to it to do with possibly arising achievement disturbances all reasonable one in order to contribute to a recovery of the disturbance and to keep or avoid possibly developing damage small. The customer is in particular obligated to give immediately its objections in number to the VI 1st places mentioned to the knowledge. These are assigned to provide for remedy if this is possible. If the customer omits imprisonment for debt indicating a lack then a requirement on decrease does not occur.

VIII. Rental bikes

As a renter of a bicycle, you are liable for damage that you cause to other road users. If you damage the rental bike or if it is stolen, you are also liable for this. This even applies if you park a bike improperly after the end of the rental period. France-Bike is obliged to inform the injured party of your name so that they can claim compensation from you. Check your insurance coverage before renting. Not every personal liability insurance covers damage to or caused by the rented bicycle caused by policyholders. This also applies to theft. We also recommend private accident insurance, which covers leisure accidents.


IX. Other

1. The customer is responsible for the observance all passport -, visas -, tariff and health regulations themselves.

2. Changes of prices and achievements we must reserve ourselves, likewise the correction of mistakes and pressure errors.

3. The inefficacy of individual regulations of the travel contract does not entail the inefficacy of the entire contract.


X. Area of jurisdiction/applicable right

1. The travel contract is subject to German right.

2. The customer can sue France Bike only at their seat.


3. For complaints of the tour operator against the customer the domicile of the customer is relevant, it is, the complaint is directed against full buyers or persons, who do not have a general area of jurisdiction in Germany. In this case the seat of the tour operator is relevant.